
Intelligent Traffic Control

By: Cristobal Araya.

Smartmicro is a German company founded in 1997. They are leaders and experts in radar technology for traffic applications. They have the most advanced radar technology for tracking multiple objects and multiple lanes. 4D / UHD ultra high definition. It has products for applications intersection (identifies sections and stop motion detection), road applications such as counting and classification of vehicles, compliance applications such as control of speed and red light, besides integration for smart cities and vehicles with car2x.

Thanks to our technology partner that has more than ten years of industry experience traffic, Active Control traffic supply complete solutions for end users.


Intersection Management:

One sensor for detection areas detention (it seems hard), and motion detection.

Detection at intersections lock vehicular.

Counting and statistics.

Collision Warning vehicle communication with car-2-x.

Arterial Management:

Traffic Counting, classification and statistical analysis.

Access ramps (detecting and counting detention).

Detection of accidents (stopped vehicles or at slow speed).

Detection wrong direction.

Enforcement Sensors:

Speed ​​applications (for roads or intersections).

Application of Red Light.

Mobile app (application speed and track a moving police vehicle).

Smart Cities:

Data transmission objects in real time for smart cities and car2x.

Transmission connected vehicles.

Pedestrian Detection, bikes (vrus - Vulnerable road users).

4D / UHD - Ultra-High Definition Technology

UMRR-0C is the radar traffic increased performance available today, It has a wide field of view up 100 degrees, and at the same time, a range up to 320m or 450m (in long-range version). It can be used for up 8 carriles.

The sensor with multiple lane tracking objects 4D provides Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, WITH) or range of polar coordinates, acimut, elevation angle, and the velocity vector simultaneously for up 256 objects.

4D capacity / UHD provides the highest resolution in scenarios where many vehicles are far apart, that is to say, in many lanes, heavy traffic, traffic jams, situations of detention and advancement. Smartmicro is the only company that has this new technology 4D / UHD available on the market, more than any other traffic radar on the market.


This radar has a range of up 180 m and covered up 6 carriles. Default, the sensor provides Cartesian coordinates or polar coordinates range, acimut, elevation angle, and the velocity vector to 126 objects simultaneously in the field of view.

Most other radar sensors on the market only separate the objects by a parameter, por ejemplo, or speed range.

Smartmicro technology provides high definition sensors that separate objects by speed and range. This leads to a robust performance, especially in heavy traffic, converting the Smartmicro sensors in a very cost-effective equipment.


The sensors deliver traffic statistics, looking along the road in a configuration covering up 8 carriles, even in two directions. It provides instantaneous position x, Y, and the velocity vector and the classification for all traffic objects simultaneously, Also the index by rail and other information. Such object data can be transmitted in real time to any traffic operations center. Alternatively, Traffic statistics can be collected and reported upon request (polling mode) or insert mode for predefined time periods user. Statistical data traffic per lane are as follows:

Volume and class


Average speed

percentile 85 speed

Headway / Gap (distance or time between vehicles)

Installation and alignment of the radar is quick and easy, generally using a pole mount position on the side of the road infrastructure in a standard (lampposts or signs), without setbacks. This saves costs and installation hardware. Smartmicro is the only sensor count several traffic lanes, optionally, It can be mounted on porch.

Due to the very low power consumption, the sensor can be supplied by solar panels or batteries. These features make it the perfect sensor for counting mobile stations, due to the principle of modular software design application.


Driving in the opposite direction is one of the most dangerous situations, Such events can be detected quickly and reliably by traffic radars Smartmicro. The measurement of the velocity vector of each vehicle is individual and very accurately for both driving directions, up to 8 carriles, also, You can monitor the input and output ramps. Application software and powerful radar find and report errors immediately Driving.


For applications incident detection module is used event triggering, where you can define areas of interest and can be combined with a specific event. For example, a car stops in the middle of a road or on the shoulder, the sensor can send an activation message. Due to the excellent speed accuracy and tracking vehicles for a long period, You can analyze the driving behavior of these, changes in speed are detected immediately. The deceleration of vehicles is usually an indication of possible incidents.

Transmission control center in real time and average speed parameters enable monitoring systems Highway determine whether an accident has occurred and where it.